top Physics Section
Image of the laboratory
Educational Policy
Our university accepts students of various academic backgrounds without requesting certain perquisite conditions. We base education on learning fundamental physics at the undergraduate school and have formulated the following policies.
at the Laboratory Course
(1) Kitasato University operates as a comprehensive educational and research institution in the life sciences. We consider physics to be necessary as a foundation for such activities.
(2) Since our university focuses on the life sciences, some of our students did not elect to study physics in high school. Therefore, our educational content and educational methods give due consideration for enabling such students to study required physics at the undergraduate school.
(3) Fundamentally, educational content shall start from easy-to-understand material. Advanced content shall then be provided while encompassing essential material.
(4) In the case of content which is difficult to understand, instructors shall give detailed explanation until students achieve full understanding.
(5) Lectures shall incorporate an abundance of educational materials which enable clear understanding of various physical phenomena and practical exercises for confirming understanding.
(6) Even after lecture hours, instructors shall actively welcome questions and conduct supplementary lectures as necessary.


Research Policy
adjusting the laser  
Kitasato University seeks to exist as a comprehensive educational and research institution for the life sciences. In accordance with this policy, the Physics Section conducts research and development for a variety of medical measurement technology using light and radio waves. By showing the effectiveness and importance of physical methods for the life sciences during research, the division also aims to encourage students’ desire to learn about physics as part of their education. For detailed information and current research results, please refer to Research and each web-page of the members.
