1. Millimeter-Wave Ellipsometry Using Interface-Planarization Prism,
Hiroshi Yamamoto and Hiroshi Ito,
IEICE Trans. Electron. Vol. E98-C, No. 8, pp.873-877 (2015).
2. Asymptotic Power-law Index in Aggregation and Weighted Chipping Processes,
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Makoto Sekiyama, and Toshiya Ohtsuki
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 84, No. 6, pp. 050443-1 - 050443-5 (2015).
3. Millimeter-Wave Ellipsometry Using Low-Coherence Light Source,
Hiroshi Yamamoto and Hiroshi Ito,
IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol. E97-C, No. 5, pp.460-462 (2014) .
4. Reflection-Geometry Measurements of Biological Materials Using Photonically Generated Millimeter Waves,
Hiroshi Yamamoto and Hiroshi Ito,
IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol. 96-C, No. 2, pp. 235-240 (2013) .
5. Desiccation of Biological Tissue Measured by Photonic Millimeter-Wave Ellipsometry,
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Hiroshi Ito and Makoto Noshiro,
IEICE Electron. Express, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.29-33, (2012) .
6. Millimeter-wave ellipsometry of human skin based on photonics technology,
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Hiroshi Ito and Makoto Noshiro,
IEICE Electron. Express, Vol. 7, No. 13, pp.964-968, (2010) .
7. Universal power-law and partial condensation in aggregation-chipping processes,
Hiroshi Yamamoto and Toshiya Ohtsuki,
Phys. Rev. E 81, 061116 (2010)
8. Double Power-Law in Aggregation Chipping Processes,
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Toshiya Ohtsuki and Akihiro Fujihara,
Phys. Rev. E 77, 061122 (2008)
9. Asymptotic Analysis of the Model for Distribution of High-Tax Payers,
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Toshiya Ohtsuki, Akihiro Fujihara, Satoshi Tanimoto,
Keizo Yamamoto and Sasuke Miyazima,
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol 24, No. 2, 211-218 (2007)
10. Vortex nucleation by negative ion in superfluid He^4,
Hiroshi Yamamoto and Koji Ishikawa, Physica B, 329-333, 354-355 (2003)
(Proceeding of the LT23)
11. Vortex Nucleation by Negative Ion in Superfluid He^4,
Hiroshi Yamamoto and Koji Ishikawa, Journal of Low Temperature Physics,
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12. Vortex Nucleation by Vortex-Phonon Interaction in Superfluid He^4,
Hiroshi Yamamoto and Koji Ishikawa , Physica B, 284-288, 93-94 (2000)
(Proceeding of the LT22)
1. 超流動ヘリウム中でのイオンによる渦生成II -我々の理論-
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2. Power-law and runaway growth in conserved aggregation systems,
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Toshiya Ohtsuki, Akihiro Fujihara and Satoshi Tanimoto
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1. Power-law tails in nonstationary stochastic processes with asymmetrically
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Akihiro Fujihara, Toshiya Ohtsuki and Hiroshi Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. E 70, 031106 (2004)
2. Effects of randomness on power law tails in multiplicatively interacting stochastic
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3. 超流動ヘリウム中でのイオンによる渦生成I -この問題の背景-
石川 幸志、山本 洋, 横浜市立大学論叢 自然科学系列第56巻第1・2合併号 (2005)
4. 乗法的相互作用する多自由度確率過程における冪乗則
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5. Similarity and probability distribution functions in many-body stochastic processes
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Akihiro Fujihara, Toshiya Ohtsuki and Hiroshi Yamamoto,
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6. Quasi-lognormal distribution tails in many-body stochastic processes with weighted
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Akihiro Fujihara, Satoshi Tanimoto, Toshiya Ohtsuki and Hiroshi Yamamoto,
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7. 重み付き乗法的相互作用をする多自由度確率過程における確率分布関数
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8. 重み付きで乗法的相互作用する多自由度確率過程におけるPareto-Zipf則,
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9. The power-law exponent and the competition rule of the high income model,
Keizo Yamamoto, Sasuke Miyazima, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Toshiya Ohtsuki and Akihiro Fujihara,
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10. 高額所得モデルのベキ乗指数と競争ルールについて
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11. Generation and Propagation of Sub-Terahertz Pulse Signal
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12. Sub-Terahertz-Wave Transceiver Module Integrating Uni-Traveling-Carrier
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13. Planar Circulator for Sub-Terahertz-Wave Reflection-Geometry Imaging,
Hiroshi Ito, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Yoshifumi Muramoto and Tadao Ishibashi,
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14. Matching-Circuit-Integrated InGaAsP Schottky Barrier Diode for Zero-Biased Operation in the Sub-Millimeter-Wave Range,
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15. サブミリ波帯ゼロバイアス動作InP系SBDモジュール
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16. Widely Frequency Tunable Terahertz-Wave Emitter Integrating Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodiode and Extended Bowtie Antenna,
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17. Polarisation-sensitive sub-terahertz-wave detector implementing antenna-integrated zero-bias Schottky barrier diode,
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